Sunday, January 14, 2007


So most of you that are reading know that I have the propensity for getting myself into a little bit of trouble. Or at least, putting my foot in my mouth. I like to set things up so that I win, or at least come out ahead of the other people who are involved. I know that sounds terrible, but its true. I often do things without being completely informed about the thing I am discussing, challenging, or betting on. The following is an example.
I made a bet with Phil, a teammate here, at the beginning of the winter. Here is the bet: If I didnt fall all winter, then he owed me sushi. If I fell, but managed to pull him down with me, he owed me sushi.
I thought this was a win win situation. I didnt have a full understanding of a winter in KZ, or a winter in which a scarf is more than a fashion accessory. I thought that people would fall maybe once or twice during the winter, but those of us with superior balance and coordination wouldnt fall at all. So I went into this feeling pretty confident about my chances of collecting some GOOD sushi with this bet!
I made it through Christmas with no falls. My opponent, Phil, fell 5, thats right, 5 times, up until that point. Here is where I underestimated the competition. I thought surely, I would at least collect on some sushi over the holiday break, because I hadnt fallen at all.. and he had fallen 5 Times! But he stood fast- the winter isnt over, he chided.
Fast forward a few weeks later. We are getting on the bus, which by the way, was not my idea, when a patch of ice falls from the sky and trips me. I fall right down at the door to the bus, half afraid that the thing is going to start moving and run me over. I am paralyzed with laughter; no amount of struggling is going to get me up. Phil happens to be with me and pulls me up.
I want something to be very clear here. I had an opportunity to pull him down; to drag him under the bus with me, but I didnt do it. Why is that? you might be asking. I didnt pull him down because I am merciful! Thats right... I sacrificed the bet, the chance to eat free sushi, for another man's life!
Here is the pitiful thing about all of this. He doesnt see it my way. He still contends that he is winning, because not only did I fall, but I failed in my attempts to pull him down too. Since this day, I have fallen two more times, but I am still two falls away from his record of 5.
I think he can be convinced; but I need your help. If you are in favor of me still winning the bet, please make a comment on here. If you arent, please dont comment, as I want this to be as one sided as possible!

If you cant make it to Mecca...

Its cold here, really cold, so on a whim, I asked my language teacher if she would take us (her students) to her husbands home town, a city in the South of KZ. I didnt think she would say yes, and I didnt think that my teammates would go for it, but only three days after I mentioned this, we were on our way to Turkistan. This is an interesting city. Ancient in lifespan, it sits in the southern part of a country where Islam has become nominal at its greatest. The city is built around an ancient mausoleum; the tradition is that for those Muslims that cannot make it to Mecca for their hajj, that they can actually make two trips to this place, and that will be sufficient. I had seen pictures of this place before, but I was not ready for the intricate beauty that this old building held. We were not allowed to take pictures inside, but I will try to paint a picture. People filing in, placing money in the alms bins, rubbing the walls of the tombs, praying at the tombs to the people in the graves; there was such a reverence and worship there. It was eerie. There was also such a spirit of evil, of bondage. What a picture the Lord gave me of a faith that is based on nothing that is eternal. Those heroes of the Islamic faith, or at least of the Kazakh tradition, are in the grave. They arent going anywhere; nor is there any work left for them to do. How different is that from the man who defeated death and the grave! If you ever get a chance to go to a mosque or a mausoleum, please take it. It will change the way that you intercede on the behalf of millions of people who hate everything you stand for.

I couldnt resist putting this picture on here. Here we are again, cramped in the backseat of a car; with our winter warmest. I think we could have fit one more person!

Thats right... an entire city built out of ice!

For a Southern girl like me, there is nothing stranger than snow and ice. Having seen it a total of three or four times while growing up in Shreveport (not counting trips to Colorado to ski), the thought of it every day is quite exciting. I still get giddy when I see fresh flakes falling, and every new snow provides the temptation of a snow angel or a snowball fight. Anyway, they have this thing here called "Ice City". It is an entire "city" built out of bricks of ice. It is pretty incredible. There are statues, houses and castles, and my favorite, slides made of ice for sledding.

We are on the way to Ice City! There are so many of us crammed into that Jeep. The winter clothes dont help.

People actually fling themlseves down this thing. I have no idea what the appeal is, as it scared me to death. Its cool to see though.

This is my sweet little team, minus Steph. Arent we a sight? From left: Jon, Jake, Em, Phil, Scott

Jenn and I, imitating the sculpture. We need a lot of work. I'm trying not to fall at this point.

Well, Christmas came and has gone! Along with 3 HUGE plastic tubs filled with more food and goodies than we will be able to eat in a year (or maybe a few months), Santa Claus also brought my family to KZ. Mom, Dad, and Jenn all made the 32 hr trip across three continents to spend about three weeks here. They got to see where I live, who I love, and experience the sickness and uneasiness that comes with eating way too much food at local people's houses! While I know my mother would love me to recount every story from their time here, I'm only going to share my favorite.
It happened is Astana, during one of our "church" times. My fam, along with my team leader, sat in with us during our time. Usually we sing, read, study and discuss the Book, and lift each other up. We had a time of singing where we could request songs. I requested Victory in Jesus, mainly because of my dad. It is his favorite hymn, and I have many memories of him singing that old hymn to me on the swing set in our back yard. Now, we have sung that song together many times in my life, but something about singing about the thing that so many here dont understand was incredible. It was so sweet. Thanks Dad; for a memory was worth more than buying swords, stuffing our faces, or rearranging my house!
Enjoy the pictures!!

Mom and Dad on their first day in country. They look pretty good for no sleep and a hot water shortage! Mom's fur coat made us laugh the entire time. It seemed like the outfit grew each time we left the house. If we wanted to leave, we told Mom to start getting ready about 20 minutes before we started to leave!

Me and Jenn when we did Christmas with the other JMEN.

The hats! They had a mind of their own. But leaving the house without one is a no no here. I'm not sure what we were doing!
Jenn and I inside the fake mosque at a tourist attraction here. Notice that my head is covered; I'm trying to be a good Muslim!
Jenn and I at the most famous attraction in Astana. It has an incredible view of the city! Check out the winter garb. So many clothes; and yes, they have to be put on EVERY TIME you leave the house!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

They call me a wanderer

I have spent a lot of time in the past month travelling. I have been to several cities, and on many VERY LONG train rides. The best thing that has come from these trips, besides getting to see some parts of KZ that I have never seen before, was the time that I got to spend listening to music. I have always loved music, thanks to people in my life while I was growing up that thought it important, but lately, the lyrics to hymns, praise songs, and just songs written for the purpose of personal worship have spoken deeply and strongly to my heart. Here are a few of my favorites lately. I'm including only snipets. As you read these, let them really sink in. Its good stuff.

" Great is thy faithfulness! All I have needed THY hand HAS provided! ... A peace that endureth; thine own sweet presence to cheer and to guide"

Great is Thy Faithfulness
"A life you cannot define, a purpose thats benign. They need to see and believe, be led to the rugged tree. An unfair deal on the part of Christ: He got my sin, I got eternal life. Make me the breath of God."
Breath of God- Shane and Shane
"In Christ Alone, my hope is found. He is my life, my strength, my song. This cornerstone, this solid ground; firm through the fiercest drought and storm. In Christ alone, who took on flesh, fullness of God in helpless babe; this gift of love and righteousness, scorned by the ones He came of save. There in the ground his body lay, light of the world by darkness slain; then bursting forth in glorious day; UP FROM THE GRAVE HE ROSE AGAIN! And as He stands in VICTORY, sins curse has lost its grip on me. For I am His and He is mine- Bought with the precious blood of Christ. No power of hell nor scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. Til He returns or calls me home. Here in the palm of Christ I stand."
In Christ Alone- Avalon
"My chains are gone; I've been set free. My God My Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood, His mercy reigns, Unending love, amazing grace! The Lord has promised good to me, His Word, my hope, secures. He will my share and portion be as long as life endures"
My Chains are Gone (sung with Amazing Grace)- Chris Tomlim
And finally, this has become my favorite song of the hour. I have no idea why this one wins the award today, but something about the way this man sings Hallelujah makes me wants to stand with the angels up there and belt it out with him. Here are the words. I encourage you to find it for yourself though, and at least give it a listen. It is GOOD! Please find this song. The mere words on this page dont do it justice.
"There's a man in on corner and his clothes are worn And he's holding out his hand You could see in his eyes as the people walk by He knows they don't understand Ya see they just think he's gonna take their money And go and spend it all on dope Then a man stopped by and I saw a smile inside As he gently whispered hope Well the tramp started to cry, just kept saying, "Why? why? why? Could you see I'm a dying tonight Well I'm 32 and I've got this one pair of shoes And a bad taste in my mouth I think it's clear to see that even God don't love me Or else why would He leave me this way." Then Gabriel just smiled and said be peaced my child Salvation is here today He got up to his feet and he sang Hallelujah People were turning around in the street He looked them in the eyes and he sang, "Hallelujah There's someone here that you gotta meet Someone you just gotta meet." When the vagabond turned around well without a sign Gabriel just smiled and disappeared Then he looked to the crowd and they were laughing out loud But he could not see them fore tears When his vision came round There was a young girl on the ground I knew she was fine and hard to cope She never was a fighter until he laid beside her And gently whispered hope They got up to their feet and they sang Hallelujah People in the street were turning around They looked them in the eyes and they sang, "Hallelujah There's someone here we have found" They sang, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah We are the voices crying in the wilderness Hallelujah, Hallelujah." The people in the street started their sins to confess And a chorus of, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah Every knee will bow and every tongue confess and the voice of one crying in the wilderness crying Hallelujah, Hallelujah"
Gabriel and the Vagabond- Foy Vance
Happy listening to all of you! Much love. I promise soon I will actually put updated pictures and stories on the blog. Its one of my goals this year: to make keeping in touch and keeping those of you who are interested up to date on life!