I love shoes... Like in that Emelda Marcos, could fill an entire house full of shoes and still want more, buy the most impractical pair in the world just because they are fun, kind of way. I used to pick out the ones with heels, they were my favorite, mostly because I lived in America, where I could drive from one place to another and only had to walk a few steps in them. Now I prefer shoes that are more practical, because every day I hike a pretty good ways, whether I'm walking to the bus stop or walking to work.
The funny thing about my love for shoes is that I have an equally strong dislike for feet. They are just gross to me. They are usually smelly, caloused, sweaty; and no amount of painting or primping does them much good. Sure, from far away they look okay, but get them up close and I'm still pretty grossed out by them.
The Bible talks a lot about feet. In the Old Testament people were required to take off their shoes and often wash their feet when entering a place that was considered holy. Feet were important in the book of Joshua when they needed stop the water so the Ark could cross the Jordan River. Isaiah extols them as beautiful, Psalms says that my feet can be like those of deer, and countless other references mention feet as a source of firm standing and security.
Feet were also referenced when talking about sin. Feet often times carried a sinner to their sin (Isaiah and Jeremiah make countless references to feet that didnt stay at home, feet that wandered or ran to evil).
So I started thinking, something that is usually dangerous to my laziness and desire to do nothing, about the uses of feet. Obviously they are for walking, running, jumping, dancing, etc... I thought a little more and realized that there is something wonderful about the idea of walking by faith. That faith that I imagine walking by isnt the kind of faith that believes only when its easy, or when its going my way. Its the kind of faith that can move mountains, the faith that takes every word that God has spoken as truth, and believes that God is going to do exactly what He has promised to do. And the journey.... probably not only through the green pastures and by the still waters. Sure, there are going to be seasons of that, but there are also going to be mountains deep and valleys high, rocks, mudslides, hurricanes and typhoons that interrupt the walk.
This is the walk I want. That is the faith I want. I'm even willing to wear ugly shoes to survive the walk... Besides, God said my feet were beautiful... I'm going to believe that one.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Walk by faith... (and not by sight)
Posted by
8:02 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
What IS that smell?
among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the
other an aroma from life to life. " 2 Cor 2:15-16
There is nothing that I love more than some good perfume. I haven't been able to buy any since I've been here, mostly because it is three times the amount that I paid for it in the States. Now, I'm not usually a cheapskate, but 3 TIMES the PRICE is ridiculous. Lotion, bath salt, body spray, body cream- I have it all. I think I just like smelling good.
I think about those women at church- the ones that always smell. Its really strong, sometimes like an old lady, sometimes like a fashion magazine, but always very distinct. There are other scents that also bring to mind certain events, people, or places.
Any time I smell peanut butter cookies I instantly am transported to a soccer field in Little Rock, Arkansas. The field was located next to a cookie factory and the entire weekend, as we played, the aroma of peanut butter cookies wafted through the air after living overseas, the smell of garlic on my hands will forever bring me back to hours of cooking in my small kitchen here fresh cut grass- a summer spent working soccer camps, getting up early to play, staying late to hang out, getting tan the entire timeI got to thinking the other day about the fragrance that I put out as a child of the King. In ourselves, we pretty much just stink. Only with the Savior are we given the privilege of smelling the fragrance of Christ- and to think that we get to put this on, to experience it, each time we meet with believers, each time we open God's word. What a cool thought that is- to those who are being saved, the fragrance of life, to those who are dying, the fragrance of death. The first part, about the fragrance to those who are being saved, what a privilege. To be able to encourage and fellowship within the body smelling all good. To represent the aroma of salvation, pointing people to the Savior. Thats the kind of mission that I want; the thing that I signed up for as I came overseas. I was taught from years and years in Sunday School that God could use me in the process of salvation; thats exciting, the part of the work that I want to report each time I talk with people back home.
But I think there is another part, a less savory part, a part that gets little mention in our churches. To be the fragrance of Christ among those who are perishing- what exactly does that mean? I think its mostly an aroma of awareness- one that makes people more aware of their deadness, more aware of their sin. I've thought a lot about this and I'm not sure this is a fun or easy thing. Its something that really draws a line in the sand; it can be offensive, disciplining, maybe even damning. But can we say that this too is the kind of mission that we want. I've becoming more and more convicted that if I truly love the people that I work with, and I mean love them in the way that Christ loves the Church, in the way God loves His Son, then I should gladly represent the fragrance of Christ to those who are perishing.
I had that realization the other day, after reading a paragraph out of G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy. My beliefs, my convictions, even my life stand in direct opposition to the majority of the world. It was really hard for me to say this out loud- as if that made it real, made it serious. But it is real, and it is very serious. The fragrance of Christ that we are given might not make us popular, but it will most certainly be a beacon- to those who believe and also to those that dont. And both groups need to smell the fragrance.
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. " Eph 5:2
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: Bible stuff
Fresh Look- Fresh Start
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3:16 PM
Thursday, May 03, 2007
When Life Blows...
Posted by
10:25 PM
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Pictures that are worth 1000 words
Posted by
8:10 PM
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
No one will believe, even if they saw it with their own eyes
I love my job. Daily, if not hourly, I find myself in a situation that makes me laugh, usually because it is a situation that I NEVER thought that I would be in. Let me warn you though; some of these things might not be amazing to you, but they should be :)
Here are some examples from the last few days.
1. I'm staying with some friends for a few days in a neighboring country, and this morning, bright and early, their milk lady came to bring them some milk. I thought it was like we had in KZ, that they buy it from a lady who sells the bags. But nope, the lady milks her cow, then brings the just from the cow milk to their house. Sarah then has to pastuerize it and then they have milk. For some reason, that cracked me up! They actually get their milk straight from the cow!
2. Today, I was with some friends and one of them remarked, " Its really strange when the things that you saw in movies growing up shift and become a real part of your life." She was talking about the mafia presence in most countries around here, and how it is easy to pick them out because of their nice cars, fancy clothes, chain smoking, etc...
3. I flew on a plane yesterday that was definitely built before anyone reading this blog was alive. It was incredible. Here is my journal entry. Enjoy, and be glad you didnt have to ride on this thing.
" I want to remember every part of this ride.. it is that good! As I start to write, my pen is jarred back and forth; because the distance between me and the air is relatively small. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I could cit a hole through the wall with a butter knife.
I'm sitting in a chair that is also remarkable. First, it leans all the way forward, so if you want a bed, you just put your feet on the back of the chair in front of you. It is covered in this intensly hideous fabric that is older in age and style than my grandparents.
The floors- yup, they are bright green; they almost resemble the fake grass that a McDonalds playland boasts. The fabric covering the "seats/beds" is also incredible. It had flowers on it, blue and green ones, but the material was definitely the same that many people use for curtains. Oh, and there are actual curtains in the windows, pretty, lacy, white ones... or at least they were pretty and white when they were hung in the mid 1950's. "
It was just funny. Life presents so many opportunities to laugh. I hope that I take them!
Posted by
3:34 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Days Go By...
A year ago I was stepping off the plane. I had said goodbye to people that loved me, places that were familiar to me, a language that I could speak. I stepped off into a land that I knew nothing about. It ws then a land that was dark and scary. People looked different, smelled different, ate things that didnt seem edible. They didnt seem to smile, they had no joy, they were just their work, their hardships, their struggle. And I was a bleary-eyed American girl, who had been told forever that she could do anything in the world that she wanted to do.
I was such a little girl then. I didnt have a clue about things like paying bills, handling emergency situations, even simple things like grocery shopping or knowing how to cook baffled me. But I was forced to grow up; and grow up I have, in a way that I never would have imagined.
I've learned volumes about obedience, about the expense of it; about trust, about God's faithfulness always. I've been on two different teams, in two cities, in three apartments. I've endured several floods and a small fire, plus countless cultural mistakes. I've learned to smile through the tears, to laugh at the things that would have previously crippled me, to enjoy the quiet solitude that comes from a peace that really can surpass all understanding. I've honed my cooking skills, my bargaining skills, my hospitality skills, and my people skills. No part of who I am has been untouched; I have been held in the fire past my burning point, but no longer than our precious Father wanted to keep me there.
ALl of that to say, I wouldnt change one second of it... Here's to the year of my life... and the promise of another to come.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Days Go By...
A year ago I was stepping off the plane. I had said goodbye to people that loved me, places that were familiar to me, a language that I could speak. I stepped off into a land that I knew nothing about. It ws then a land that was dark and scary. People looked different, smelled different, ate things that didnt seem edible. They didnt seem to smile, they had no joy, they were just their work, their hardships, their struggle. And I was a bleary-eyed American girl, who had been told forever that she could do anything in the world that she wanted to do.
I was such a little girl then. I didnt have a clue about things like paying bills, handling emergency situations, even simple things like grocery shopping or knowing how to cook baffled me. But I was forced to grow up; and grow up I have, in a way that I never would have imagined.
I've learned volumes about obedience, about the expense of it; about trust, about God's faithfulness always. I've been on two different teams, in two cities, in three apartments. I've endured several floods and a small fire, plus countless cultural mistakes. I've learned to smile through the tears, to laugh at the things that would have previously crippled me, to enjoy the quiet solitude that comes from a peace that really can surpass all understanding. I've honed my cooking skills, my bargaining skills, my hospitality skills, and my people skills. No part of who I am has been untouched; I have been held in the fire past my burning point, but no longer than our precious Father wanted to keep me there.
ALl of that to say, I wouldnt change one second of it... Here's to the year of my life... and the promise of another to come.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Skiing... Kazakh style
So off to the mountain we went... The mountain had a lot of potential. It was beautiful. We asked until we found the ski rental place, and were directed to a literal hole in the wall. Inside held skis that could have been made before I was born (ok, they werent THAT old). We got our boots and skis and then asked about the runs. They told us they were just up the hill; and I got suspicious when I saw a rope attached to a pulley. People were hanging on to this rope and being pulled up the mountain. That was the lift! The view from the top. nice huh?
We took our place with about 5 more skiers to travel up the mountain. We couldnt quite see up to the top, but 200 meters later we were at the top of the only run that "little Switzerland" had to offer!! It was hysterical. Of course, I had trouble with my skis and bindings, but after several readjustments, and many times of chasing my ski down the mountain after it would fall off without reason, we were ready to get this ski day underway. Okay, think about when you were little and you would pretend you were riding your bike really fast, but you were really just going a little faster than slow.... Thats what skiing was like! No matter how well you started, you were going to slow down quite considerably by the bottom! We figured out pretty soon that we were going to have to make this fun! Jon found a trail down the backside of the mountain that had several "jumps" on it, and we made the most of those; jumping and laughing and just generally perpetuating the stereotype that the world has about Americans! The guys at the top of the mountain!
Jon relaxing at the top of the mountain while Phil watches in bewilderment!
The day was really fun! We skied as much as we could down ONE RUN and then we called it a day. We spent the rest of the night until our train came drinking tea, eating shashlik (a kind of barbeque here) and listening to the loud rap and hip/hop music that magically comes on whenever we as Americans walk into a cafe! I think I drank enough tea to float away. The best part of the day by far though, was the time I got to spend with Phil and Jon. We finally made it back about midnight last night, after a loud 3 hr train ride back. I was past tired, but I would do it again in a second! Good job guys- that was fun!
Posted by
12:51 PM
"Little Switzerland"
Our train left at 6:45, so that meant a 6:00 departure time for us. Unfortunately, none of us are morning people, so my wake-up call from the guys that came at 5:55 didnt leave me much time to put myself together. Luckily I remembered my passport, something I dont always do. The taxi driver I had hired was actually on time, so by 6:10 we were on our way! The train, which is quickly becoming my favorite mode of transportation, took 3 hours. I'm not sure what I expected when I got off, but I should have been prepared for a little chaos outside the train station. See, we really didnt have any idea what we were doing, nor did we have an idea how to get where we wanted to go. After a bit of haggling, we got a Russian guy named Sasha to drive us to his favorite cafe in town. Well, guess what, cafes arent open at 10:00 in the morning, so we were stuck with this strange little Russian guy in his Volkswagen. Our communication was very poor, partly due to the fact that our Russian isnt super wonderful and partly due to the fact that he wasnt really listening to what we wanted to do, and after a bit of driving around unnecessarily, we arrive at a hotel. He has decided that we must get a room; no amount of talking can convince him that we dont want a room... So we pay him and go in the hotel... We just dont need a room though! The highlight of that car ride was that Queen's We Will Rock You came on, and he obliged us by blaring that song as Jon played the drums on the dashboard and I laughed hysterically in the back!
While at the hotel, we find out what we had started to expect- that you couldnt ski in the place we were. Luckily, the ski area was just 40 or so kilometers away. So we get another taxi and start the drive up the "mountain". Now, remember that few things here actually are beautiful. Mostly I look at old Soviet things and new, modern, weird things. This place was beautiful. Stay tuned for the rest of our trip... It really gets good when we get to the "ski lift"!!
Posted by
9:57 AM
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Prayer... Raise the Bar
Because of a series of events that have challenged my faith beyond the point I thought I could be challenged, I have really come to understand the exhortations from Scripture about praying with confidence and according to God's will. When I first moved overseas, I understood the idea that prayer was central to the work that we were doing, but my prayers tended to focus on things that were nothing out of the ordinary for God.
For instance, I would ask for things like protection when I was in a taxi, or grace and memory during a language lesson, or a time of conversation with a neighbor. Please dont hear me saying that these are bad things to ask for, because they are not; but in the last few months I have really begun to ask HIM for things that are outside my normal "prayer box". Things that seem like I am asking for too much, for too big!
Here is the thing though; they havent been too big for the Lord. They havent been to much, or too hard to handle, or even too full of audacity for the Creator of the universe. Instead, a neat thing has happened. As I have taken things before the throne, I have noticed a confidence that has invaded my conversations with Him. He has taken my requests, and made them grand, answering them in ways that only the Lord can answer. He has begun to weave story after story after story in my life that speaks of the grandness of God; but more than that, He has ignited in me a desire to ask for those big things, to almost dare God to work in a big way! I want to see the big things happen, not only in terms of hundreds of people coming to know Him, but in terms of one person taking one step closer to knowing the truth. I think it has a lot to do with perspective.
There is something else that I have learned lately. I learned it through this story. I was recently told that I had to move out of my apartment. This was frustrating to me for several reasons: that I was having to move again, and I felt like I was having to start over with new relationships and that I had to leave behind my neighbors, who have become like family to me. I was whining about this to a teammate, who is like a mom to me here, and she said this. It was really very simple.
She said, "Emily, have you ever thought to pray that God would move someone else in behind you, a local believer, who could pick up where you left off and move your neighbors closer to the cross?" NO!!! Of course I hadnt thought to pray that. In fact, I was a little insulted that she would even ask me to pray something like that! Why shouldnt I be the one that moved these people closer to the cross? NOt someone else.. I cant trust my precious neighbors with someone I dont even know!
Ahhh, but the perspective in Teri's words to me was so good. Pray something so far removed from yourself; pray something that is bigger than your limited, fleshly perspective! Oh how the situation changed when I began to see it in terms of something God was doing for His glory! And how I want to have that perspective all the time.
So raise the bar guys... I think that God wants something so much more than we often bring to Him. Paca
Posted by
1:02 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Posted by
8:52 PM
If you cant make it to Mecca...
Its cold here, really cold, so on a whim, I asked my language teacher if she would take us (her students) to her husbands home town, a city in the South of KZ. I didnt think she would say yes, and I didnt think that my teammates would go for it, but only three days after I mentioned this, we were on our way to Turkistan. This is an interesting city. Ancient in lifespan, it sits in the southern part of a country where Islam has become nominal at its greatest. The city is built around an ancient mausoleum; the tradition is that for those Muslims that cannot make it to Mecca for their hajj, that they can actually make two trips to this place, and that will be sufficient. I had seen pictures of this place before, but I was not ready for the intricate beauty that this old building held. We were not allowed to take pictures inside, but I will try to paint a picture. People filing in, placing money in the alms bins, rubbing the walls of the tombs, praying at the tombs to the people in the graves; there was such a reverence and worship there. It was eerie. There was also such a spirit of evil, of bondage. What a picture the Lord gave me of a faith that is based on nothing that is eternal. Those heroes of the Islamic faith, or at least of the Kazakh tradition, are in the grave. They arent going anywhere; nor is there any work left for them to do. How different is that from the man who defeated death and the grave! If you ever get a chance to go to a mosque or a mausoleum, please take it. It will change the way that you intercede on the behalf of millions of people who hate everything you stand for.
Posted by
8:22 PM
Thats right... an entire city built out of ice!
Posted by
7:40 PM
Enjoy the pictures!!
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Mom and Dad on their first day in country. They look pretty good for no sleep and a hot water shortage! Mom's fur coat made us laugh the entire time. It seemed like the outfit grew each time we left the house. If we wanted to leave, we told Mom to start getting ready about 20 minutes before we started to leave!
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The hats! They had a mind of their own. But leaving the house without one is a no no here. I'm not sure what we were doing!
Jenn and I inside the fake mosque at a tourist attraction here. Notice that my head is covered; I'm trying to be a good Muslim!
Jenn and I at the most famous attraction in Astana. It has an incredible view of the city! Check out the winter garb. So many clothes; and yes, they have to be put on EVERY TIME you leave the house!
Posted by
7:13 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
They call me a wanderer
I have spent a lot of time in the past month travelling. I have been to several cities, and on many VERY LONG train rides. The best thing that has come from these trips, besides getting to see some parts of KZ that I have never seen before, was the time that I got to spend listening to music. I have always loved music, thanks to people in my life while I was growing up that thought it important, but lately, the lyrics to hymns, praise songs, and just songs written for the purpose of personal worship have spoken deeply and strongly to my heart. Here are a few of my favorites lately. I'm including only snipets. As you read these, let them really sink in. Its good stuff.
" Great is thy faithfulness! All I have needed THY hand HAS provided! ... A peace that endureth; thine own sweet presence to cheer and to guide"
Posted by
5:15 PM